Why Are Buildings So Ugly?

Why Are Buildings So Ugly? 1440 2560 Jeremiah Lascuna
Ugly Building


Have you ever wondered why many new buildings today lack beauty? Some say they look simple or even ugly. Why is this happening? They say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, so what makes a building “pretty,” can be subjective; but I believe there are several fundamental reasons why there is an abundance of flat-out boring buildings.


The first, and perhaps most obvious reason why there are many boring buildings is that construction costs are so high. Often in a project, the more unique and interesting aspects of a design are value engineered out of the building before it even goes to construction. The focus is on saving money, and return on investment, not on creating something beautiful, meaningful, or lasting. Architecturally interesting or authentic materials are slashed for cheap substitutes that may be faster to install and require less maintenance, but significantly downgrade the quality of the end product. As a result, we end up with buildings that are functional but uninspired.


All builders will say they take pride in their work, who would claim otherwise? But find a rich historic building downtown and you will find details that have disappeared from the repertoire of sub-contractors today. Skills like bricklaying and carpentry were once works of art that would add a lot of depth to a building.  Those same craftsmen today make up the top 1% of all subs available, and thus at a much higher premium on the budget.  The focus in today’s market is on finding the cheapest materials and labor. The result is corner cutting in construction, and buildings that lack details and fine finishes. This decline in craftsmanship is a big reason why buildings today are less appealing.


Maybe my most controversial reason is that much of our society today does not recognize or appreciate quality design. How can we expect better buildings if most people cannot differentiate between the good, the bad, and the ugly?  To make matters worse, those who are making decisions: building officials, architecture review committees, and mass community developers, often lack any architectural training at all. When appreciation is lacking, demand for better design also drops. When people don’t know what to look for, they accept what’s available, and in turn, impacts the overall quality of architecture in our communities.



Worst of all, most buildings built today are completed without the input of any architect or design professional. City’s and towns are completely OK with a builder or engineer signing off on the design.  Yes, it may be structurally sound, but when it comes to interest and aesthetics, an Architect is best suited to play the role of reconciling the fusion of art and the engineering. Do you want a repeat home draftsman designing your home, or a skilled architect?


touching brick


With the right architects and design professionals, your old and outdated building could be transformed into something beautiful! As an example, see our Richmond Renovation.  Situated in the lower Galleria area, this small renovation takes on a big transformation. What was a decades old cleaner building is being renovated with a complete face lift to bring the building up to speed with a neighboring site. With a small canvas to work with, we designed an exterior composition that maximizes the aesthetic potential for this property.


If you’re planning to build, start with the right foundation. Consult an architect or design professional to ensure your project is both well-constructed and aesthetically pleasing. Explore our services to discover how we can bring your next project to life with expert design. Let the professional architects and builders do their job, hire a professional.
